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Wait, Weren't you Citylab?


No, you're in the right place. This was Citylab. So what's going on?

This is what.

Yup, The Atlantic Cities is now CityLab - hooray…

Why did they make the change? In their own words:

So glad you asked. While nothing has changed about our kinship with The Atlantic, we just really like the name CityLab better. Our approach to journalism has always been grounded in experimentation and a sense of fun, and we think CityLab captures that spirit. Plus, between you and me, the old name was always a bit of a tongue-twister.

Totally agree, we just really like the name Citylab better too, that's why we didn't pick a shitty name like The Atlantic Cities for our business. Anyway, when you're out looking for that perfect new name for a rebrand just how do you find it? Do you do some A/B testing? Focus-group it? Wait for inspiration to strike? Maybe. Sometimes, though, you might just give up on civility and just "borrow" the name of some folks you've been following on Twitter for years? But who knows? Really…

Now lesser people would be bitter and vindictive about a large institution coming in and stepping all over there "brand" after they spent years building it. They might lash out on their blog and point out that such a colossal dick move is only made worse by the fact that doppelgänger's new site tilts precariously toward gross lifestyle content and the kind of huffpo fluff pieces that are literally ruining internet journalism AND, adding insult to injury, we are now continually getting confused with our newly rebranded cousins from the south. Just today someone thought we posted a piece about whale vomit. Whale vomit?

Lesser people would let their disappointment and resentment bubble up and take hold of them. Lesser people that its, but not us. No. We soldier on, better than we were, stronger than we were and now with an even more minimalist (perpetually half-finished) site.

RIP Citylab and long live 42four.

Enjoy and stay tuned…


2012 has been a great year for Citylab. I've had the honour of working with many great NGOs, home owners and small businesses - all told an excellent group of clients, thank you all. I am also honoured to have been able to work with Peter Stewart Carpentry this year. His team built the lion's share of the residential and commercial work Citylab was involved in. Thanks, Pete.

On the social media front, Citylab's presence and network continues to grow and to all of those who've visited the site and followed Citylab on Twitter I hope you've had as good a year as I did. Unless you were arguing with me about historicism or bike lanes or something, then I hope you are plagued by hangnails.

Cheers and the best to you for 2013.

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